Name: Raymond Szu
Cashes: 18
Total Winnings: $21,378
ProRank 1 Position: 6864 [ DETAILS ]
ProRank 2 Position: 6817
That's me suckers, what's up!
Welcome to RAYMOND SZU SUCKS web site !!! Apparently the color black is a real fashion trend for HOA Lawyers and CAI managers this year. Wonder if this is sufficient evidence of predation on a community to warrant admission to CAI'a College of HOA Lawyers (CCAL)? At least he will be entitled to due process, an opportunity to confront his witnesses, a presumption of innocence, and a host of other constitutional protections that were never afforded his HOA member victims.
australian-pokie Thank you for taking the time and sharing this information with us. It was indeed very helpful and insightful while being straight forward and to the point